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A & G Agro-Mechanical Industries to Build a Multi-faceted Agro-Industrial Centre to Enhance its Operations

A & G Agro-Mechanical Industries Limited, a subsidiary of the Abanga Group with its headquarters in Accra is to establish a multi-faceted Agro-Industrial Centre to enhance its operations as a pan-African agribusiness conglomerate.

The establishment of this Agro-Industrial Centre under A & G Agro-Mechanical Industries would come with different units of production including a spare parts shop, service centre, warehouse silos and a grain processing mill.

“The nature of our business is such that almost everything we do in one business subsidiary is linked to another subsidiary, and so in order to ensure uninterrupted service delivery to our clients, under our Agro-Industrial Centre we want to have a shop that houses tractor and implement spare parts for all A & G equipment pool and also for sale to the public including our outgrowers.

Our service centre would serve as repair shop for our tractors and implements’ routine maintenance whereas the warehouse silos with a holding capacity of 10,000 metric tons would serve as processing points for agro inputs and A & G produce and outgrowers outputs. Last but not least is the grain processing mill which would have the capacity to process 50 metric tons of grains or cereals per day”, Thomas Abanga, founder and CEO of Abanga Group explains.

According to Mr. Abanga, the Agro-Industrial Centre would serve as a hub to which some six regional mechanization centres are linked to “provide efficient mechanization and agro training services, first, to farmers in Namibia, and subsequently to other parts of West Africa.”

The Agro-Industrial Centre would also employ a database rotational model via modern innovation that enables A & G Agro-Mechanical Industries to service thousands of farmers across different regions of Africa all year round.

Additionally, the Centre would implement what is known as a hub and spoke model with a Tractor Assembly Plant as hubs, and regional mechanization centres as spokes. The Tractor Assembly Plant would assemble tractors and implements to feed the regional mechanization centres and also house spare parts for workshops.

The Mechanization Centres would supply tractor services to farmers and serve as local repair and maintenance centres for all A & G Agro-Mechanical Industries’ equipment.

By The Abanga Group/PR Unit